Friday, 16 August 2024

Bat survey 12th August

On the evening of 12th August Howard Williams of the Bat Conservation Trust led a Bat walk and survey in the Dales. With around 20 in the party, we set off as twilight fell, walking along the horse route and then down towards the Pipers Lane entrance, armed with a number of ultrasonic bat detectors bought by individuals or kindly provided by Thurstaston Country Park. The bats were a little reluctant to appear at first but as the walk progressed we recorded 30 Common Pipistrelle passes - as well as hearing a Tawny Owl and coming across a slightly bemused common frog. An interesting evening was had by all! If anybody would like to take their interest in bats to a further level, you can easily join the Bat Conservation Trust or, better still, the local 'Merseyside & West Lancashire Bat Group for details of other events in this area at or on Facebook.