Monday, 6 January 2025

Well done the Rangers!

Wirral Country Park Rangers (whose patch includes the Dales, as well as Hilbre island and the Wirral Way) have been awarded UK "Best of the Best" for Park Staff in 2024 by the Green Flag organisation. Well done everyone!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Break on through (continued)

In a series of heroic Wednesday work sessions a team of volunteers and Rangers has now cut down and burnt virtually all of the unwanted gorse and birch at the very large site at the north of the Dales beyond the oak tree entrance. The path through is clear again and the views are great. A very good conclusion to the 2024 clearance campaign. Well done all! P.S. More volunteers always welcome.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Good news....

The prestigious Green Flag has been awarded (again) to the Dales following the inspection panel's visit in July....and take a look at "Country Diary" in yesterday's (21st Sep) Guardian, which is about the Dales!

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Guided walk on the Dales

Wirral Heritage Open Days featured Dale Farm and the Dales last Saturday 14th Sep, with Ranger Chris Werney leading a guided walk across the Dales. A good turnout (about 40) of all ages heard Chris describe why the Dales is so special and the work needed to maintain its status as a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Friday, 30 August 2024

Break on through

The volunteers and Rangers have been working to clear unwanted trees and bushes from a quiet part of the Dales, further north from the granite bench and down the slope, revealing a large bank of flowering heather that was previous hidden (and with wonderful views over the Dee). Enjoy!

Friday, 16 August 2024

Bat survey 12th August

On the evening of 12th August Howard Williams of the Bat Conservation Trust led a Bat walk and survey in the Dales. With around 20 in the party, we set off as twilight fell, walking along the horse route and then down towards the Pipers Lane entrance, armed with a number of ultrasonic bat detectors bought by individuals or kindly provided by Thurstaston Country Park. The bats were a little reluctant to appear at first but as the walk progressed we recorded 30 Common Pipistrelle passes - as well as hearing a Tawny Owl and coming across a slightly bemused common frog. An interesting evening was had by all! If anybody would like to take their interest in bats to a further level, you can easily join the Bat Conservation Trust or, better still, the local 'Merseyside & West Lancashire Bat Group for details of other events in this area at or on Facebook.

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Dog dirt petition (3)

Look out for a news item in this month's Heswall Magazine appealing to visitors to the Dales to "Bag it and Bin it". The new signage is being installed in the Dales and the council's new policy on enforcement is being developed. Progress is slow but tangible: we continue to monitor and encourage.....