To join The Friends of Heswall Dales, all we need is your name and your email address - there's no membership fee.
Privacy Notice
New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) were introduced on 25 May 2018. The regulations are designed to ensure that any organization that holds personal data meets the following criteria:
- Has explicit consent to hold your personal data and removes your data when that consent is withdrawn
- Uses your personal data for specific legitimate purposes
- Secures your personal data against unauthorized processing
We hold names and email addresses of individuals who have formally asked to join the Friends Group.
We use your name and email address to contact you about business related to the Friends Group. This includes issuing invitations to meetings, keeping you informed of news about The Heswall Dales and distributing the quarterly newsletter.
We won't use your data for any other purpose and we will never pass on your details to a third party.
If there are errors in the information we hold about you - such as a misspelling of your name - or if you change your name or email address, then please let us know and we will amend your records accordingly.
If you wish to leave the Friends Group, then please contact us and we will remove your details from our records.
Access to your data is on a "need-to-know" basis. "Need to know" in the context of the Friends Group means the person who is responsible for distributing emails and newsletters to the Friends Group.
Your personal information is stored electronically on a server in a secure data centre and is not stored locally on any device. For added security, access to your electronic data requires two forms of verification (not just a password).
There is a remote possibility that the data centre could be the subject of a data leak - either malicious or accidental. When informed of such a data leak, we will let you know immediately.
We retain a hard copy list of members that is not easily located or identifiable but which provides us with proof that consent has been provided.