How do I get involved?
The Dales relies on volunteers to carry out the work to conserve this rare habitat. The sessions run from 10:00 to 15:30 on Wednesdays, meeting at the Rangers Cottage next to Dale Farm. "Green Gym" at its finest - please contact the Ranger, Chris Werney, in advance if possible, at or on his mobile 07767 474478.What would I be helping with?
The type of work involved varies according to the season. In every case, the Ranger is careful to select tasks which are suitable for the particular volunteers present on any given day and are suitable for the weather conditions. Induction and training is given usually on the job after a few preliminary formalities. There is no committment to future work but of course, participants are usually very keen to come back having enjoyed the company and the satisfaction of helping in a worthy cause.In the autumn and winter, much work centers around maintaining the precious heathland habitat. This work complements that which can be carried out by professionals using machinery. So, a lot of it involves cutting out invasive birch, gorse and bracken where these have got mixed up with the desirable heather, bilberry and western gorse. This can only be done by hand by volunteers who also help clear the material away for disposal or burning.
In the spring and summer, priority has to be given to the breeding wildlife and so volunteers keep out of their way and concentrate on the paths. They help keep the reserve paths from becoming overgrown. The rate of growth is phenomenal in May and June particularly. They also help with other, more major, path maintenance such as renewing steps and railings and stabilising heavily used main paths.